Saturday, August 4, 2007

Zack Snyder At Comic-Con: We Join An Epic Director For An Epic Day

By Larry Carroll: SAN DIEGO — One year ago, "Dawn of the Dead" director Zack Snyder walked the halls of Comic-Con unnoticed, telling anyone who'd listen that his weird little flick "300" would be something worth watching. Late last month, the tattooed, affable auteur returned to San Diego much like King Leonidas — a revered hero whose box-office triumph has led to the glorious snagging of "Watchmen," the Con's most beloved graphic novel, as his next project. In just 12 months, Snyder has gone from another behind-the-camera wannabe to the most promising director in Hollywood with only two films in his catalog. His humor recalls Tarantino, his style is downright Kubrick-ian, and his rare ability to appease the commercial aspects of filmmaking is reminiscent of a young Spielberg. [More]

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